112th Session of the International Labour Conference in Geneva

This year’s International Labour Conference #ILC2024 delved into a diverse array of pressing topics, each of which holds significant implications for the future of work and workers' rights:

  1. Protecting workers from emerging threats: We discussed ways to protect workers from climate change and biological hazards in the workplace. The report of the Committee on Biological Hazards was adopted and could lead to a new international labour standard by 2025.
  2. Supporting the care economy: The conference highlighted the importance of the care sector and explored ways to improve working conditions for those providing essential care services. The conference requested that the Director-General of ILO prepare a plan of action to support decent work and the care economy. 
  3. The enduring importance of Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work: Discussions emphasized the need to uphold core principles like freedom of association, fair treatment, and a safe work environment in our ever-changing work landscape.

Undoubtedly, a significant moment was the launch of the Global Coalition for Social Justice. This landmark initiative, uniting governments, employers, and workers, holds the promise of a more equitable world of work. I eagerly anticipate the transformative impact this coalition will have in the future.

#ILC #FutureOfWork #SocialJustice

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